Currency control

Evrofinance Mosnarbank offers its clients various ways of placing temporarily free funds to obtain additional income:

  • Deposits (term deposits)
  • Evrofinance Mosnarbank promissory notes
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Minimum account balance in foreign currency and rubles
  • Client funds management (construction of a financial portfolio)
  • Brokerage operations in the financial market


Evrofinance Mosnarbank has extensive experience in conducting settlement transactions both domestically and abroad. Throughout its development, the Bank has specialized in servicing the export and import operations of the Russian exporting enterprises.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank offers its clients the use of individual safety deposit boxes (safe deposit boxes), which are located in a special safety vault of the Bank equipped with modern security system and ensuring a high degree of protection.


The Bank provides a wide range of loan products in rubles and major currencies that are able to meet the borrowing needs of virtually any enterprise, regardless of its specific activity.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank is one of the leading participants of the Russian stock market. We provide professional services to our clients and partners, providing them with a full range of securities transactions permitted by the Russian legislation on the Moscow Exchange stock market.


As an active participant of the investment market, the Bank provides its clients with effective access to its opportunities, including direct investment in the equity of over-the-counter companies (Private Equity).


EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK JSCB OJSC offers to its Clients a remote bank service system (hereinafter referred to as the Client-Bank System), developed by the company Bank Soft Systems (BSS), which allows our Clients to settle bank transactions and send official and aleatory documents to the Bank with the option of file enclosure via the Internet, without leaving the office.
Operation Charge Note
6.1 Executing the currency control agent’s function: 2
• under contracts / loan agreements accepted for registration (service) by the Bank 3 0,12 % from the amount of the transaction/document, from the amount of debt under the loan agreement
min RUB 200
max RUB 60,000
plus VAT (current rate);

commission is charged from the amount of each transaction (payment, receipt) or from the amount of each document (document confirming payments in cash, document confirming the fulfillment of payment obligations in a way other than settlements) taken into account by the Bank under the contract/loan agreement and also from the principal debt amount fixed at the moment of the credit agreement’s registering;

the commission is not charged for the currency operations related to the principal debt
• under contracts that are not subject to registration requirements;
under contracts/loan agreements accepted for registration (service) by other authorized banks
0,12% of each payment/funds inflow,
min. RUB 200
max. RUB 60,000
plus VAT (current rate);

the commission is not charged for the following currency operations:
- payment of taxes, duties and other fees;
- payment of alimony, pensions, allowances and other welfare payments;
- charity, grants, gift, donations and other non-refundable payments;
- payment of salary and other labor compensations, other settlements between the employer and employee, payment of remunerations for sportsmen;
- payment of principal debt on the credit agreement (loan agreement) in the case if the Bank had previously retained the commission for the extended/received credit/loan in the frame of this credit/loan agreement;
- crediting currency to the Russian resident regardless of the currency operations’ type;
- transfer of own funds between accounts of the same resident opened in the Bank, in other authorized banks, in non-resident banks;
- currency operations on the contracts concluded with the Bank;
- currency operations of non-residents.
6.2 Acceptance of a contract (loan agreement) for registration (service) / making changes to the registered (service) contract (loan agreement) Free of charge
6.3 Contract/credit agreement’s urgent registering/urgent amendments to the registered (service) contract (loan agreement) RUB 2,000 plus VAT (current rate);
The bank registers the contract (loan agreement), makes changes to the information about the contract (loan agreement) accepted for registration (service) during the current day, subject to the provision of properly executed documents and information before the end of the current business day
6.4 Preparing of documents for transfer of the registered contract/credit agreement to the other authorized bank RUB 5,000 plus VAT (current rate)
6.5 Copying of the currency control documents 200 RUB. for each sheet plus VAT (current rate)
6.6 Issuing of the banking control statements and certificates 500 RUB. for each statement/certificate plus VAT (current rate)
6.7 Providing information form the Chapter I of the banking control statement 300 RUB. for each contract/credit agreement plus VAT (current rate)
6.8 Customer consulting the cost of this service is included in clause 6.1

1 The terms and concepts are applied accordingly to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia №181-И dated 08.16.2017 on the submission by residents and non-residents of justifying documents and information regarding the currency operations to the authorized banks, on the single forms of registering documents and reporting on the currency operations, terms and mode of submission.
2 The commission is not charged when: - the funds from non-executed contracts are returned, in the case when the returned funds were initially written off from the resident accounts/credited to the resident accounts in the Bank; - the operations related to the credit and return of erroneously transferred funds, including the return of funds due to the erroneous payment information, are performed; - the resident’s payment previously returned by the correspondent bank of the beneficiary bank without crediting the non-resident account is performed repeatedly.
3 The commission is charged:
- when carrying out transactions (including through a letter of credit) through resident accounts opened with the Bank, other authorized banks and banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
- when third parties (in favor of third parties) fulfill payment obligations subject to inclusion in the bank control statement;
- when fulfilling payment obligations subject to accounting in the bank control statement, in a manner other than settlements (with the exception of commissions withheld by the payer’s bank and intermediary banks for making a payment);
- when paying in cash.

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