Еврофинанс Моснарбанк - Расчеты в рупиях, Кредиты, Депозиты, Вклады, Сейфовые ячейки, Финансирование...

EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK has been a member of the Bank deposit insurance system of individuals in the Russian Federation since 21.09.2004. The Bank is included in the register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system under number 21.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank Depository was founded in 1995, has License of a professional participant of the stock market for custody business No. 045-04142-000100 dated December 20, 2000. Evrofinance Mosnarbank Depository offers its clients a full range of custody services for all types of securities traded in the Russian and international markets.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank is one of the leading participants of the Russian stock market. We provide professional services to our clients and partners, providing them with a full range of securities transactions permitted by the Russian legislation on the Moscow Exchange stock market.

Operation Charge Note
3.1 Transfers in rubles:
3.1.1 Crediting of funds received by wire transfer to the account No fee
3.1.2 Transfer of funds from an account to an individual's account maintained with the Bank No fee
3.1.3 Transfer of funds from the account of an individual in favor of a Evrofinance Mosnarbank beneficiary No fee
3.1.4 Transfer of funds to a legal entity's account with the Bank: Transfer of funds under the client`s order received in paper form 1.0%
min RUB 100
max RUB 1,000
Excluding the transfers specified in clause Transfer of funds via the EuroLink system No fee Transfer of funds on behalf of the client in favor of the accounts of legal entities included in the Register of details registered in the state information system of housing and communal services of Housing and Communal Services Suppliers No fee
3.1.5 Transfer of funds to the beneficiary's account with another bank: Transfer of funds under the client`s order received in paper form 1.5%
min RUB 100
max RUB 2,000
Excluding the transfers specified in clause Transfer of funds via the EuroLink system 1% min RUB 50 rubles max RUB 1,500 Excluding the transfers specified in clause Transfer of funds under Executive documents issued in respect of the Bank`s clients RUB 30 Transfer of funds on behalf of the client in favor of accounts of legal entities included in the Register of socially oriented non-profit organizations, formed in accordance with Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1290 of 30.07.2021 "On the Register of socially oriented non-profit organizations". No fee Transfer of funds on behalf of the client in favor of the accounts of legal entities included in the Register of details registered in the state information system of housing and communal services of Housing and Communal Services Suppliers No fee Transfer of funds on behalf of the client to the accounts with Evrofinance Mosnarbank (trust management) No fee
3.1.6 Execution of payment orders using an urgent transfer service 2
• when the "Urgent" mark is put is in the "type of payment" field of the settlement document. The payment shall be executed by the Bank within 1 hour from the moment of receipt of the settlement document by the Bank (if technically possible for the Bank) RUB 3,000 Charged from the amount of each payment order
• over 100 million rubles when there is no "Urgent" mark in the "type of payment" field of the settlement document for a settlement document received during operational time Charged from the amount of each payment order
3.1.7 Execution of payment orders received in post-operational time as dated by the current day on the basis of the client’s written application 3 2% min. RUB 500 max. RUB 3,000
3.2 Transfers in foreign currency:
3.2.1 Crediting of funds received by wire transfer to the account No fee + correspondent bank's tariff The tariff of the correspondent bank shall be charged from the client's account in rubles without additional orders of the client. If it is not possible to charge the client's account specified in the Application, it shall be debited from other accounts opened for the client with Evrofinance Mosnarbank
3.2.2 Transfer of funds from an account to an individual's account maintained with the Bank No fee
3.2.3 Transfer of funds to a legal entity's account with the Bank 1.0%
min RUB 100
max RUB 1,000
3.2.4 Transfer of funds to the beneficiary's account with another bank:
• Cash transfer to the beneficiary's account according to the Client's Application 1.0%
(min RUB 600
max RUB 7,500) + correspondent bank's tariff
The tariff of the correspondent bank shall be charged from the client's account in rubles without additional orders of the client. If it is not possible to charge the client's account specified in the Application, it shall be debited from other accounts opened for the client with Evrofinance Mosnarbank
• Transfer of funds to the accounts with Evrofinance Mosnarbank (trust management) No fee
3.2.5 Execution of the transfer received during post-operational time as dated by the current day if the Transfer Application has the "urgent" marking (If technically feasible for the Bank) 4 RUB 3,000 charged in addition to the commission fee specified in clause 3.2.4

1 Deadlines for transferring funds in favor of clients of other banks:
• current operating day:
in Russian rubles, US dollars, EURO
received before 16:00 Moscow time of the current day (Monday through Friday);
received before 15:00 Moscow time of the current day (pre-holiday days);
• with a "next business day" deadline:
in other currencies
received before 16:00 Moscow time of the current day (Monday through Friday);
received before 15:00 Moscow time of the current day (pre-holiday days).
In case of submission to the Bank of payment documents subject to currency control and/or internal AML/CFT control requirements, and/or documents and information necessary for the Bank to perform the functions of a currency control agent under the said payment documents, and/or additional information/justifying documents resulting from internal AML/CFT control measures later than one hour before the end of the current business day, the Bank reserves the right to execute such payment documents on the next business day.
2 Deadlines for transferring funds in favor of clients of other banks:
• current operating day:
in Russian rubles, US dollars, EURO
received before 16:00 Moscow time of the current day (Monday through Friday);
received before 15:00 Moscow time of the current day (pre-holiday days);
• with a "next business day" deadline:
in other currencies
received before 16:00 Moscow time of the current day (Monday through Friday);
received before 15:00 Moscow time of the current day (pre-holiday days).
In case of submission to the Bank of payment documents subject to currency control and/or internal AML/CFT control requirements, and/or documents and information necessary for the Bank to perform the functions of a currency control agent under the said payment documents, and/or additional information/justifying documents resulting from internal AML/CFT control measures later than one hour before the end of the current business day, the Bank reserves the right to execute such payment documents on the next business day.
3 During operational hours, payments are accepted until 16:00 MSK, or within the terms established by a separate Bank-Wide Order. Post-operational payments can be made by submitting a payment order within the following timeframes: Monday - Thursday: until 18:00 MSK, Friday and pre-holiday days: until 17:00 MSK or 30 minutes before the end of the business day established by a separate Bank-Wide Order.
4 During operational hours, payments are accepted until 16:00 MSK, or within the terms established by a separate Bank-Wide Order. Post-operational payments can be made by submitting a payment order within the following timeframes: Monday - Thursday: until 18:00 MSK, Friday and pre-holiday days: until 17:00 MSK or 30 minutes before the end of the business day established by a separate Bank-Wide Order.

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