Еврофинанс Моснарбанк - Расчеты в рупиях, Кредиты, Депозиты, Вклады, Сейфовые ячейки, Финансирование...

EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK has been a member of the Bank deposit insurance system of individuals in the Russian Federation since 21.09.2004. The Bank is included in the register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system under number 21.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank Depository was founded in 1995, has License of a professional participant of the stock market for custody business No. 045-04142-000100 dated December 20, 2000. Evrofinance Mosnarbank Depository offers its clients a full range of custody services for all types of securities traded in the Russian and international markets.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank is one of the leading participants of the Russian stock market. We provide professional services to our clients and partners, providing them with a full range of securities transactions permitted by the Russian legislation on the Moscow Exchange stock market.

Operation Charge Note
7.1 Minimum initial contribution to the card account (made when receiving the card)
• MIR Social/MIR Deposit Not set (card for receiving funds from the RF budget / card for interest payments under the time deposit agreement “Tvoi Mir”). The account is maintained in Russian Rubles only.
• MIR Classic RUB 300 The account is maintained in Russian Rubles only
• MIR Privilege RUB 2,500 The account is maintained in Russian Rubles only
7.2 Settlement of card transactions
• MIR Social/MIR Deposit Not set (card for receiving funds from the RF budget / card for interest payments under the time deposit agreement “Tvoi Mir”. One card is issued per deposit).
• MIR Classic RUB 300 charged annually
• MIR Privilege RUB 2,500 charged annually
7.3 Cashless payment for goods and services using cards No fee
7.4 Cash withdrawal using MIR cards:
• MIR Social/MIR Deposit at cash points and ATMs of the Bank No fee
• MIR Classic at cash points and ATMs of the Bank 0.3% of the transaction amount
• MIR Privilege: at cash points and ATMs of the Bank No fee
• at cash points and ATMs of third-party MIR member banks outside the Russian Federation 1.3%
minimum RUB 150
• at cash withdrawal points, electronic terminals (POS terminals) of trade and service enterprises when making a purchase (purchase of goods with change given) and ATMs of third-party banks participating in the MIR payment system in the Russian Federation 0.65% of the transaction amount Charged per transaction.
Receipt of cash in electronic terminals (POS terminals) of trade and service enterprises when making a purchase (purchase of goods with change given) is available for cards issued after April 10, 2023.
7.5 Limits for cash withdrawals at ATMs, cash withdrawal points and electronic terminals (POS terminals) of trade and service enterprises when making a purchase (purchase of goods with change given) within a day. (The time period from 00:00 to 23:59 MSK is taken as a day.)
• MIR Social/MIR Classic/MIR Deposit 50,000 rubles Not applicable to transactions with cards issued under payroll projects
• MIR Privilege 150,000 rubles Not applicable to transactions with cards issued under payroll projects
7.6 Interest accrued on the amount of card account overdraft (unauthorized overdraft) Key rate of the Bank of Russia charged as a percentage of the overdraft amount for each day of the overdraft
7.7 Resumption of card transactions settlements suspended due to loss of card, loss of PIN: within five business days
• MIR Social/MIR Classic/MIR Deposit RUB 300 the card is issued with a new expiration date
• MIR Privilege RUB 2,500 the card is issued with a new expiration date
7.8 Resumption of card transaction settlements suspended due to changes in the cardholder's personal information (NAME, SURNAME), as well as resumption of settlements in case of card damage and card details compromise No fee. The card is issued with the same expiration date.
7.9 Urgent start/resumption of card transactions settlements (extra charge) RUB 1,500 within two business days
7.10 Additional services (card blocking, putting cards on the stop list, payment challenging and refunding, processing requests for copies/originals of payment document, etc.) compensation of actual expenses of the Bank in accordance with the tariffs of payment systems
7.11 Providing information on card transactions and the balance available for card transactions:
To the cardholder's cell phone number:
• MIR Social/MIR Classic/MIR Deposit RUB 60 charged monthly
• MIR Privilege no fee
• Obtaining an account statement from the Bank no fee
7.12 Provision of information on the balance available for card transactions when requesting such information at ATMs of third-party banks RUB 30 charged per each request
7.13 Provision of mini statements at ATMs of third-party banks RUB 30 charged per each request
7.14 Annual account maintenance in case of absence of transactions with the use of a bank card during one year In the amount of the account balance, RUB 700 max. charged upon expiration of the bank card validity period
7.15 Restrictions on transfers using the Bank's cards with Internet payment systems of third-party banks:
• the maximum amount of the Client's transfers made with the Card within 24 (twenty-four) hours is 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand) Russian rubles, including the Commission Fee. Commission Fee charged by service provider / third-party bank The maximum amount of a single transaction is set by the service provider / third-party bank
• the maximum amount of all the transfers made by the Client within a calendar month using one Card is 1,000,000 (one million) Russian rubles, including the Commission Fee. Commission Fee charged by service provider / third-party bank The maximum amount of a single transaction is set by the service provider / third-party bank


Operation Charge Note
Carrying out conversion operations on the Bank's bank cards
Calculation of the amount of debiting or crediting from or to the account of the Bank’s card during conversion operations from one currency to another in transactions using the Bank’s cards of the MIR payment system 1
• Card account currency - Russian ruble
      - -Debit
             Transaction currency - Russian ruble R
             Transaction currency - Other (K*B)
      - -Credit
             Transaction currency - Russian ruble R
             Transaction currency - Other (K*A)

1 Explanation: Currency exchange rates are established on the basis of a separate Bank-Wide Order.
R - transaction amount in rubles; K - transaction amount in the national currency of the acquiring bank of the “Mir” payment system - applicable only to transactions in the “Mir” payment system; A - purchase (RUB) in the national currency of the acquiring bank of the “Mir” payment system of rubles at the rate of the “Mir” payment system - applicable only to transactions in the “Mir” payment system; B - sale (RUB) in the national currency of the acquiring bank of the “Mir” payment system at the rate of the “Mir” payment system for cards of the “Mir” payment system - applicable only to transactions in the “Mir” payment system.

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